
Game audio seminar at IPB - Portugal


On Friday morning, April 7, T. Vaz presented a Game Audio Seminar at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança in Portugal for a group of Game Designers talking about:

  • The Game Audio market for Games: Possible audio demands on a project, costs / budget etc.

  • How to produce tracks and sound effects for Games: Production processes, necessary and recommended tools (softwares and hardware).

  • How to work with audio pros in an electronic game: Materials and information required, hiring audio guys at Pre Production VS Post Production etc.

The class was given at the Studio and transmitted via Skype to the students. Some Studio productions were shown, such as the Audio Game Breu co-produced by Team Zeroth and the Guerreiros Folclóricos, produced by Unique Digital Entertainment. The class was fun, attracting the interest of some students to work in the Audio area.

Memorable experience.